
Nov 9, 2012

Friend of mine

The st0ry was all about the c0llege girl, who's intelligent, quite, but good looking, and nice inside and out. Her name was Jane. One day, in her first day of class, she's out of place because all her new classmates had already friends but she g0t n0thing yet, till three girls approached her and they became her friends. They used to have lunch together, go out s0metimes and she usually helped them about their assignments and writes their rep0rts. During the exam, she let them to c0py her answer when there's an opportunity. Till one day, they caught up by their prof, and he approached them and grabbed their papers and watched it well and he tore them angrily. When he asked them who's the brain of the cheating, n0b0dy answered immediately till her friends sto0d up, and they pointed out Jane as the brain. They accused her like she's n0t their friend. She tried to defend herself but her traitor friends st0pped her, she cried so hard coz she did n0t expect that in times of danger, she's the one to push first by her friends. Thus, the prof did n0t allow her yet to go h0me after the exam, he punished her through f0rcing her to clean the wh0le gym (imagine h0w big the gym is). She thought it's impossible for her to clean it just for half day. It'll take 2 days to clean it all for her. It's getting dark already but she did not reach yet the center of it. She felt like she's going to c0llapse coz she's starving and she's so tired already. Thus, she sat f0r awhile at the c0rner to rest. Suddenly, a guy entered in the gym and he saw her,
 ‘Hey! What are u doing here? Oh you're cleaning. As far as I kn0w, it's n0t a girl who cleans it. Ah, I kn0w already, you're a w0rking student, am I right? Hehehe'.
'n0, our prof assigned me to clean it'. She replied.
 'What? Alone? Are u the only student of him? Where are the others?' he asked her c0nfusedly.
 'It’s my punishment coz I was accused of cheating.' she d0wn her head.
'n0, it's still n0t right, you're a girl. You kn0w, it's getting dark. Go h0me n0w. You must be so tired, and you can’t finish it n0w either. I'll do it for you.'' bef0re she have reacted, he picked her bag up and put it on her shoulder and he pushed her sm0othly going out.
''n0, it's shameful''. She protested.
 ''hayyy, d0nt be stubb0rn. Go h0me, i'll do it. And d0nt w0rry, 0nly ogre will welc0me u ahead.'' he's kidding. He saw her reacti0n, she's afraid.
 'Just kidding! Hehehe. Go n0w, go!''. Thus, she just followed him. She thought this guy is imp0ssible. She never thought that there's still s0meone who's ready to help w/o asking in return. She felt relief s0meh0w because of him. The next day, she straightly went to the gym to l0ok for him. She found him just got out fr0m the gym and he caught her,
 ‘‘Hey! Cheater girl. What's up, Huh? Oh wait!'' he grabbed her excitedly going to the gym and he c0vered her eyes, ''ok, I’ll count 123 and you may open your eyes after. Ok, 1,2,3 charang!! Hehehehe. See?'' he grinned. The gym was already clean. He cleaned it all night. She was amazed; she couldn’t believe he finished it just for one night.
 ‘‘Its t0tally clean already, wasn’t it? Hehehehe, of course it's Gino Chavez, the amazing b0y who cleaned it!'' he boast so funny. She smiled,
‘‘Hehehehe, thank you s0 much. I d0nt kn0w h0w to pay u back n0w''. He slapped her shoulder and smiled,
''n0, it’s n0thing. I just want to help u. D0nt mind it. Hehehehe. So, see u next time cheater girl, I have to go n0w, I have class yet. Bye2x!!'' and he ran away. She followed him through her eyes and suddenly she smiled. He's really amazing. One day, while she's walking she found him at the table near the park, he's doing s0mething. She approached him.
 'Hi' she smiled.
'Oh, cheater girl! Hehehe. How r u?' he asked her.
 'I’m fine, wait, what are you doing?',
 'ahh, I’m doing my assignment, it's quite hard. Hahay.''
‘‘Really? Maybe, I can help you'' she offered.
‘‘What? Are u sure?? Really? Oh thank u s0 much!''
'hehe, yes.' he replied. She answered all his assignments and they talked so much,
‘‘You told me before that u were accused of cheating, why?'' he asked her.
‘‘I’m not the one who cheated, it's my friends to me, but they reversed the st0ry, they said I’m the one who cheated to them.'' she explained.
‘‘Really? H0w stupid they are! After all, they still did it to you?? You kn0w, they d0nt deserve to be your friend, d0nt mind them, they're just n0thing. Just keep away fr0m them, ok?''
 ‘‘That’s what I’m doing n0w'',
 ‘‘That’s right! And I’m just here, I can be your friend, hehe.'' he grinned. She l0oked at him and she smiled. '
'Really? Ows? Are you sure you're n0t like them?'' she asked him funnily.
 ‘‘Of course! I’m the best friend of all the best friends! You can trust me with all your heart. Hehe''. She laughed then.
'You’re crazy!' she pushed his head. And they laughed together. That day, they became friends and they usually together. Every day, they go back h0me together c0z they're just neighb0or. Gin0 were living just 1 bl0ck away fr0m Jane’s house. One night, he found her sitting on the grass under the tree (their favorite place) seemed like sad,
 ‘‘Hey! What's the matter, huh?'' he touched her head. She glanced to him,
 'My dad, he's always n0t around; it's very seld0m to see him in the house. I think, he doesn’t care about me'' she confessed. '
'You kn0w, just understand your dad. He's w0rking so hard for u, for your better future. He's n0t always around coz he cares for u, and he l0ves u. He's just thinking about u. And d0nt w0rry, I’m just here, I’ll c0me with u all the time, whenever u want a c0mpani0n, just call me and I’ll be there in just 2 minutes. Hehehehe.',
‘‘Wee? In just 2 minutes, really? U kn0w Gin0, you're so boastful. Stop fooling me, ok?'' and she pulled his ear,
 ‘‘Ouch! You’re serpent! Of course, I can do that, just for u best'' and he hugged her tightly.
 ‘‘Hey! I’m hurting'' she pr0tested but he pulled her m0re and they played like a children while laughing. One day, Jane was n0t around. Gin0 went to her classroom to invite her for lunch, but he was told by her classm8 that she's n0t around Coz she was sick. He's w0rried, and suddenly he ran away. He remembered that she's al0ne in their house coz her dad was n0t there, he's in abroad. He urgently went to her house. When he arrived, he did n0t see her in the living r0om, thus, he went to her bedroom urgently and he found her on the bed, she was wrapped with blanket, she's trembling, she had a high fever.
'Jane, what happened to you?' he asked her w/c0ncern. She didn’t answer. He went in the kitchen to get a medicine and water and he went back. He helped her to sit up to drink the medicine. He cared her. He did n0t left beside her. Every hour, he checked her and felt her forehead. He preferred to sleep there to guard her. He's restless. The next day, Jane was the first had w0ke up. She's fine already. And she found Gino sleeping on the chair.
 'Gin0..Gin0' she tried to wake up him, 'gin0' and she was succeeded.
'Oh, how are you? H0ws your feeling n0w?'' he felt her forehead.
 'I’m fine already' she answered.
'That’s good'.
 ‘‘Thank you'' she smiled.
 'No, it's n0thing. Of course, I have to care you coz you're my very best friend. I w0nt allow u to get hurt, and hurt by others. I'll pr0tect u n0 matter what happens, ok?'' and he touched her head. She embraced him then.
 They spent their Christmas and New Year together.
 'Happy new year!!'' Gin0 shouted.
'Happy new year!' Jane as well. 'You kn0w Gin0, it's my first time to celebrate Christmas and new year that has a c0mpani0n, usually I’m al0ne even the years that Mom’s still alive'', he n0ticed her that she's crying, ''Gin0, thank you for being here beside me always, to c0mf0rt me, to make me laugh if I’m sad, to help me to f0rget my pr0blems, even the days that I d0nt need u, you're still here. Thank you really.'',
 ‘‘Hey, hey, st0p it'' he hugged her, ''d0nt be em0ti0nal, I d0nt want to see you crying, you're overacting already.'', and she glanced to him with a smile,
 It's Friday, they're having their snack,
 ''Gin0, d0 u kn0w what February 13 is?'' she asked him with a smile.
‘‘Feb 13? Hmmm, the day bef0re valentines. Why?'' he glanced to her while eating.
'Yeah u right, but… I mean, if you remember something special occasi0n in that day'', she smiled.
 ‘‘Occasion? I d0nt kn0w, tell me'' he's still eating.
 ''hahay, never mind'' she g0t sad. It was her birthday, and unf0rtunately Gin0 didn’t kn0w about it. That day, she did n0t see him even once. She's c0nfused and w0rried as well maybe there's s0methng bad happened to him. She looked for him around, but he's n0t there, so she decided to go to their favorite place. When she arrived Gin0 surprised her,
 ‘‘Happy birthday!!'' he dec0rated the place with all pink, and several pink ball0ons hanging on the tree as well, coz pink is her favorite c0lor and he gave her a gift.
 ''w0w! You're the one who did it?'' she was surprised.
 ‘‘Of course, me, myself and I! Hehehe, how is it?'',
‘‘So beautiful. I thought u f0rg0t my birthday'',
 ‘‘Of course n0t and never, it's my best friend’s very special day, h0w can I forget it. I’m just pretended when u asked me about this day to surprise you; I planned it already even before you asked me. Hehehe.’’
She hugged him.
 ‘‘Thank you best, it's my first time to celebrate my birthday, my dad d0esnt care about it.''
‘’oh st0p it, I kn0w already what's next after that. You’ll cry again. You kn0w, much better if I call u ''miss first time'' coz seem like you're always first time in everything.'' he tried to make her laugh. And he succeed,
‘‘Crazy! That's n0t true!'' she kicked him and he laughed. They're j0king each other for an hour, till..
.''You kn0w, ever since I met you, my life became c0lorful and light. You always make me laugh. You kn0w I thought bef0re, after they ruined our friendship, that's no one really good in this w0rld, but you proved that there is still and that's you. I can’t imagine my life without you, Gin0. I don’t want u to leave me. Please promise me that u w0n’t leave me'' she l0oked at him. He put his right arm on her shoulders.
'Of course, I w0nt leave u, pr0mise. I'll never ever do that, ok? And I have a lot of dreams yet for us, I want to build up my own house, a mansion, and we will live there together with your future family and mine and we will become a big happy family. I want to travel around the world with you and we will ride my own private plane, first we will go to Egypt.’
‘’Egypt? Why there?’’
‘’coz you know, when I was a child, I was always wondering how the Pyramid looks like and how high it is, thus, I promised to myself, when I grow old, my first destination is there. I want to climb up the pyramid.’’ Suddenly, she laughed so laud.
‘’why are you laughing, huh?’’
‘’you know, you are really insane Gino. As far as I know, there’s no one yet tried to climb up the pyramid.’’
‘’then, I’ll be the first one. Hehehe.’’
‘’ows, really? I bet, you don’t.’’
‘’I do.’’
‘’no, you don’t and you can’t. You know why? Coz if you do, you will die.’’
‘’I will die? Why?’’
‘’coz I’ll kill you! How come you’re thinking about that dangerous thing? What if there’s something bad will happen to you, huh? I can’t take it.’’ and he laughed so laud.
‘’why?!’’ she’s mad.
‘’Jane, it takes years before it will happen, ok? Don’t be overacting.’’
‘’I’m just concern. And I’m serious, I’ll really kill you if you’ll do.’’
‘’I’ll still do it.’’ he looked at her funnily.
‘’hmp! I hate you Gino.’’ She pushed him and she stood up and walked away.
‘’hey! Where are you going? Hey come back here!’’ and he smiled.

It’s Sunday, they decided to go to church together, after the mass, Gin0 excused for awhile to go to comfort room. And when he came back...
'Oh what happened to your face? So pale. Are you ok Gin0?'' Jane asked him. He smiled,
 'Yep, I’m ok. Let's go'.
In sch0ol. Jane just got out from their classroom when Gin0 called her,
''Jane! Jane!'',
‘‘Oh best! Why?'' he approached her.
'What why? It's lunch time, let's eat',
 'Ah, hehehe, sorry I forgot',
 'You kn0w, that's the effect already of your being serious in study, u already had mem0ry gap. hehehe',
'hmp! It's better to have a mem0ry gap than never had a mem0ry at all' she smiled stupidly.
 'Are u referring to me?' he pretended as mad. Jane laughed so laud. After they had their lunch, they decided to go to the gym to watch a try out, while they're walking, Gin0 stopped suddenly and he held her head,
 'Are u ok?' Jane asked him with c0ncern.
 ‘‘Ye-yeah, I’m ok. I’m just dizzy. Maybe it's because of the h0t weather, let's go',
 'I n0ticed these past few days, you're often get dizzy and pale. Maybe you should go to the doctor.' she said seriously but he grabbed her and they ran to the gym,
 'let's go! Hehehe'.
After the try out, Jane invited him to hang out. It’s the first time that she invited him like this stuff.
‘’are you serious? He asked her.
‘’yeah, do I look like kidding?’’
‘’wow! You improved really, I can’t believe it. What have you eaten? hehehe.’’
‘’there’s nothing wrong if I go out sometimes, and one thing I’m so bored in our house, I want to freshen up myself even just now, ok? So let’s go?’’
‘’ah-eh, I can’t come with you, sorry, hehehe.’’
‘’coz….I have to go in the hospital.’’ She looked at him very well.
‘’hospital? Why, are you sick?’’ he looked at her with worry on his face.
‘’ahm, no it’s not me… mother’s friend. Mom anointed me to visit her friend for her coz she can’t come today coz she has an important thing to do.’’
‘’ahm, ok, but next time, I don’t want you to refuse again.’’
‘’ok, I promise.’’ He smiled.
Jane was beautiful, thus, a lot of guys in their school were trying to get her attention but all of them were failed except to a one guy named Glenn. He’s not good looking, and had an average body. He’s from a well-known family in their place He never gave up his feelings to her though for how many times that she refused. One day, he approached her.
‘’hi Jane.’’
‘’how are you?’’
‘’I’m fine.’’ All of a sudden, he gave her a white rose.
‘’for you.’’ and he smiled.
‘’for me? Thank you.’’ she took the flower and unintentionally, their hands were touched but she took back her hand immediately.
‘’ahm Glenn, I have to go now, I’m late already.’’ as she tried to walk away...
‘’yes?’’ she looked back.
‘’can I invite you later for a date?’’ she did not answer for a while.
‘’ahm, but—‘’
‘’I’ll wait for you Jane; I’ll just text you the place. Bye!’’ and he ran away with a smile on his face. She was confused.
After her class she met Gino at their meeting place and she told him about Glenn’s invitation. She’s really confused and she did not know what to do, she wanted to refuse earlier but there’s no chance already. He ran away.
‘’you know Jane; I admired his determination to court you. He’s really serious. I’m just wondering, you are not good looking, but how come they like you? Hahay, they should go to optical clinic. Hahaha.’’
‘’I hate you Gino, you’re so bad! But one thing, he’s not good looking as well’’
‘’But seriously, it’s been two years already ever since he courted you and it’s not common for guys to wait that long, he truly loves you I think.’’
‘’I don’t think so. I don’t trust guys.’’
‘’you do?’’ he got sad and she noticed it.
‘’of course except you, I trust you with all my heart and all my soul. You are different and special for me. Hehehe.’’
‘’ahhh, ok. Good. I just want to clear it out as early as now.’’ He looked at her funnily. She slapped him by her notebook.
‘’I don’t like that kind of stares of yours. I hate it!’’
‘’you hate it? But a lot of girls like it.’’
‘’Really? Oh you got a handsome stare, how I wish you look like one. Hahahaha.’’
‘’so you mean I’m not good looking?’’
‘’I did not say anything.’’ She looked at him and she laughed. He pressed her left ear.
‘’ouch!’’ and she slapped him on his chest.
‘’now, what you gonna do?’’ her laugh shifted to sadness.
‘’I don’t know, what should I do?’’ she looked at him so sad.
‘’you know Jane; sitting in front of him, talking a little with him can’t kill you. Why you don’t give him a chance? You don’t know he’s the right guy that you are waiting for.’’ And he laughed so laud.
‘’I’m not waiting for a guy or for someone else, ok? I’m just afraid.’’ suddenly, she got an idea and she looked at him scarily.
‘’oops! I don’t like your stares. I know what is in your mind, no, no, I can’t do that.’’
‘’please Gino, just do it for me, I really need your help, please?’’ she begged him.
‘’No. it’s shameful. If I’ll come with you, what the hell he would think after seeing me sitting beside you?’’ and she laughed slightly.
‘’hehehe, just don’t mind him.’’
‘’please?’’ she held his hands.
‘’still no.’’ and he took back his hands.
‘’please Gino, it just now, promise.’’ He thought for a while.
‘’hahay! Ok, ok. I’ll just stay away from you, ok?’’
‘’hehehe, yes. Thank you Gino, you’re the best!’’ and she hugged him.
Glenn told her about the place. It’s 7:00 pm.  When Jane and Gino were 30 steps away from the place, Jane held his hands.
‘’I’m afraid Gino.’’ She’s very beautiful in her attire.
‘’there’s no time to back out, just do it ok? And don’t worry I’m just here, looking at you.’’
‘’ok.’’ she exhaled. Glenn was waiting for her already when she arrived. The place was so romantic, a lot of balloons scattered around with lights. The table was in the center of the mini pool with fresh flowers around of it. The place was so well-organized and colorful. Glenn assisted her to sit down. She’s not comfortable, thus, she’s always looking at the place where Gino was and Glenn caught her.
‘’are you ok Jane?’’
‘’ye-yeah, I am.’’ She smiled.
‘’I thought you won’t come.’’
‘’ha? No, I just thought earlier that it’s indecent if I won’t come.’’
‘’ahh, thank you for coming Jane.’’ He smiled. She looked at him from head to foot. He’s wearing yellow sun glasses, cap, suit, and shoes. He’s totally in yellow color. All of a sudden, two colorful clowns approached them and she was shocked lightly and they heard a laugh around. She covered up her mouth for her not to laugh too. She knew it was Gino.
‘’what is this Glenn?’’
‘’it’s my surprise for you.’’ he smiled.
‘’you like it?’’
The clowns started to do something funny things.
‘’hehehe, yes.’’
‘’you look so beautiful tonight Jane.’’
‘’you-you too, you look so handsome.’’ And he smiled.
‘’thank you.’’
They talked a lot. Suddenly, a romantic music played.
‘’can I have this dance?’’ he asked her to dance.
‘’ha? Dance? Sure.’’ They danced for 1 minute and they sat down. She wandered her eyes; she’s looking for a food. She’s hungry.
‘’did you enjoy?’’
‘’ye-yeah, of course, I enjoyed.’’ And they heard a laugh once again.
‘’did you hear it?’’ he asked her scarily. ‘’someone’s laughing’’
‘’hehehe, maybe it just a…….cat, yeah cat, that’s right.’’ She glanced to Gino.
‘’a cat? Hehehe, maybe you right.’’ She smiled at him.
After the date, she let Glenn to go ahead and she approached Gino.
‘’Congratulations! What a nice date you’ve got! Bwahahahaha.’’
‘’huhuhu’’ she cried funnily.
‘’hahahaha, you know he’s the most romantic guy I have ever known. Think of it, he made himself colorful just for you. You’re very compatible for each other, believe me. He’s the right guy for you; he can make your world so colorful. lol. But I can’t help myself to laugh if I think about your ‘Power Ranger’ children. Hahahahahaha.’’
‘’tse! Let’s go.’’ She walked ahead.
The next day. She’s not in mood; she’s still disappointed about last night. Gino saw her at the gym and he approached her.
‘’hey, how are you?’’
‘’not fine.’’
‘’ah I see.’’ He laughed slightly.
‘’are you laughing?’’
‘’what? No, you know Jane you’re so sensitive. Your date was great; I never saw a date like yours, like a birthday party.’’ He laughed and she smiled.
‘’you’re really crazy.’’
‘’you know, what I like the most about your date? Were the two clowns. Hahaha.’’
‘’but you know, they are cute and funny somehow. I like them.’’
‘’you like them? So you want another date?’’
‘’no thanks, once is enough.’’
‘’but two is better than one.’’
‘’are you kidding?’’
‘’hmmm, yes?’’
‘’Ha-Ha so funny.’’ She’s looking in nowhere when she noticed Gino was quite. When she turned her eyes to him, he was lying on the floor and unconscious.
‘’Gino! What happened to you?! Gino!’’ she ran away to ask for help.
Gino got back his conscious. He’s in their school clinic already.
‘’Gino!’’ Jane hugged her so tight and she cried.
‘’don’t make me worry again, please promise me.’’
‘’wait, what happened?’’
‘’you’re unconscious when I saw you. Don’t worry we already called a doctor, just take some rest.’’
‘’a doctor??  You know, it’s not necessary to call a doctor already, I’m ok now.’’
‘’Gino, we have to be sure about your condition.’’
He stood up and he picked up his bag.
‘’wait, where are you going?’’
‘’I’m fine now Jane, I don’t need a doctor. I collapsed coz of the hot weather, nothing serious.’’
‘’but Gino..’’
‘’look at me, I’m healthy, you don’t have to worry, ok?’’ he caressed her head and he smiled.
‘’are you sure?’’
‘’Of course, I’m 101 percent sure. Hehehe.’’
After two weeks, Gino went to Jane’s house. He saw her doing something on the table. He had thought an idea. He slowly walked to Jane’s back and…
‘’JESUS!!’’ When she turned back she saw Gino laughing.
‘’what the! Gino! I hate you so much!’’
‘’hahahaha, what are you doing there.’’
‘’get away from me, ok? I hate you already.’’
‘’hehehe, I thirst, do you have something to drink?’’
‘’yep, in the C.R, drink a water there as much as you can.’’
‘’are you kidding me?’’ he looked at her seriously.
She laughed suddenly.
‘’of course, do you think I allow you to drink a water from the C.R?’’
‘’I thought you’re serious coz I really wanted to drink a water from there.’’
‘’crazy!’’ and he laughed.
‘’wait, why are you here? You’re very rare to come here, what brought you here by the way?’’
‘’honestly, I just want to inform you that I’ll be gone for two weeks.’’
‘’why? Where are you going?’’
‘’ahhh, my auntie called me last week and she asked me a lil favor, she wants me to help her in their little business there in their province.’’
‘’when you come back?’’ she’s sad.
‘’two weeks from now I think.’’ And she hugged him suddenly.
‘’I’m going to miss you, hmp!’’
‘’it’s just two weeks Jane, it’s not two years.’’
‘’but I’m still going to miss you.’’
‘’hehehe, me too, I’m going to miss you.’’ and he caressed her head.

Three weeks had passed. Gino was still not came back. Till one day...
Gino called Jane through cellphone.
‘’hey you! You don’t have load for three weeks? Why you did not make even a single call?’’
‘’hehehe, sorry, I’m so busy these past three weeks, how are you?’’ Gino, on the other line.
‘’not fine!’’
‘’hehehe, you can’t really live without me.’’
‘’hehehe, I miss your jokes and presence best.’’
‘’don’t worry, I’ll go back there today.’’
‘’really?? That’s good. Come over here, ok?’’
‘’ok, I have a lot of presents for you.’’
‘’really? You’re the best really. Thank you! Wait, what time you come here?’’
‘’maybe around 5 pm.’’
‘’ok, I’ll wait for you.’’
It’s almost 7 pm when he arrived.
 'Hey, where have u been?' Jane asked him with a smile. Gin0 looked at her well,
 Hehe. I’m just recreating myself for a while.'
 'Are u sure? And why you're still sad? Seem like u got sh0cked.Hehehe.'
 'sh0ck? Hahaha, you're crazy really, you really got my insanity! That's good!' and he slapped her on shoulder.
'tse!', she's pretending mad. She noticed that Gino was looking at her seriously.
‘’hey, are you ok?’’ suddenly he hugged her tightly.
‘’Gino, is there a problem?’’
‘’Nothing. I just want to hug you. hehehe.’’ And he released her.
'But seriously, I’m here because I want to say s0mething.’
 'What is it?'
'ahmm, ah-eh, ahm.coz..',
'Hey, what? Tell me n0w',
 'ahm I just want to say that I’m so glad coz I met you Jane. Thanks for being a good friend of mine; I preferred you already as my sister. Take care of yourself, eat and sleep on time d0nt let yourself to get stress, and don’t let others bring u d0wn, be brave, and stay good as always. St0p crying likes a baby, ok? Coz I’m hurting as well seeing you crying'' and he caressed her head.
‘‘Wait, wait. Are you saying goodbye? Why? Where are you going again? You'll leave me, again?'', Gino looked at her sadly.
‘’you will?’’ she got sad and mad.
‘‘Crazy! Its n0t what I mean. I’m just saying thank u for being my friend, and just sh0wing care to you. Hehe.’
 'ahhh, ok, I thought you'll leave me. I won’t forgive you really', and sadness came to Gin0's face suddenly.
 It's been a week already that Jane was busy in sch0ol; she even forgot to have lunch with Gin0. Jane noticed as well that it's been month already that she did n0t see him. He did n0t even visit her. She forgot to have lunch because she used that Gin0 was the one who made her remember about it when she's busy. But this time, there's n0 Gin0 sh0wed up. She tried to catch him in his r0om but he's n0t there and his classmates told her that Gin0 is already 1 month n0t attending their class. She's c0nfused. When she arrived in their house, she went to Gin0's house but it was cl0se. N0 one around. M0nths had passed, she did n0t still see him. She's angry to him coz he ruined his pr0mise that he w0nt never leave her, but at the same time, she missed him s0 much. She's always sad already. She changed. Her being quite was back. She got several l0w grades. One day, she came back to gin0's house but it was still cl0se. Suddenly, a woman approached her,
'Are u l0okng for s0mething?' the lady asked her.
'Yes, where are the people living there? I’m Gino’s friend.’’
 'Ah, they went back to their pr0vince in order to c0ntinue there the medicati0n',
'medicati0n? What do you mean?'
'You d0nt kn0w? It's been alm0st a year already that Gin0's undergoing a medicati0n'
 'What?? Wh-why? What happened to him?''
 ‘He had a blood cancer and I heard he's too much weak already. They're just wasting m0ney and time coz his d0ct0rs said his cancer was in stage 4 already.’
After she heard it all, she couldn’t able to m0ve, she was fr0ze. She didn’t kn0w what to say. She's sh0cked. She went back to their house and straightly went in her r0om and she cried so hard, she couldn’t believe of what she found out. Its imp0ssible, Gino was a brave and a very good man, he did n0t deserve it. The f0ll0wing week, Gin0's m0ther called her dad. She said Gin0 wanted to see her, but she's hesitated to go coz surely she couldn’t able to see him in that situati0n, in pain. But she forced herself to go for Gin0. When she arrived, she was hesitated to go inside the room but she still did. She found Gin0 looking at n0where. He's so very far fr0m Gin0 that she used to kn0w. He's already hairless, had big two dark circles on his two eyes. He's so pale already, and he lost his weight. He totally changed really. When Gin0 noticed her, he smiled at her,
''I thought u w0nt c0me Jane. I’m waiting for you'
’ Jane couldn’t help herself to cry so hard and she hugged him so tight, she cried on him.
'oh, you're acting like a baby again. You're really never changed, you're still the same.' his voice was so weak already.
'Please d0nt cry, I d0nt want to see u crying. Ok, if you d0nt st0p, you’re going to have two big circles on your eyes like mine. Hehe.''. She was still crying.
'Ok it's enough, please st0p n0w' he caressed her back. And she released him but still crying.
'Oh? Why are you still crying? Please st0p it, I’m hurting seeing u like that'.
 'Why you did n0t tell me about it?’ he did n0t answer immediately,
 'Coz I d0nt want you to get w0rry, I d0nt want to see u sad',
'But you should still told me, I’m your best friend of course I’ll get w0rry. You promised me that u w0nt ever leave me but u did. I hate you' she cried m0re.
‘’tell me, those times that you told me that you will be gone for two weeks, you’re not really called by your auntie, are you? You were undergoing a medication?’’
He just nodded. She cried more.
‘’and in our school clinic, you refused to check up by a doctor coz you didn’t want me to know your situation, am I right?’’
He just nodded again.
‘’Gino, I’m your best friend. I have a right to know your situation, and I have a right to do something about it.’’
‘’it’s too late when I found out about my…..cancer. It’s already in stage 3. The doctor said, there’s nothing they could do. But I did not loss hope, I’m still hoping I’ll be cured. Every night, I pray to God to give me more years, I don’t want to leave yet coz I still have a lot of plans and there are things that I want to do on this earth. Did you remember when I told you about my dreams in life? That I want to build a mansion and live there together with you? And I want to travel around the world with you? And I want to climb the Pyramid?’’
She nodded.
‘’I can’t do that already.’’ and he cried.
‘’but, that’s life. I already accepted that I can’t stay longer already. I’m still happy coz in the history of my life; I met a very nice, very beautiful girl that I really loved.’’ He held her hands.
‘’sorry Jane if I can’t see you to get married and see your Power Ranger children. But don’t worry, when I met him, I‘ll ask him to care for you, and bless you and your family. And I’ll ask him, I’ll be the one to guard you, thus, don’t worry I’m just beside you, I’ll never leave you.’’
‘’Gino, don’t do this to me, don’t leave me, please..What I have to do for you not to leave me.’’
‘’Jane, we can’t decide when we want to die; only him knows it. All we have to do is to get ready and learn to accept it. No one can stay forever on this earth, all of us will be faded, and it just happened that I have to go first. Someday, we will meet. Stop crying ok?’’ he caressed his head.
‘’Gino…’’ she cried so hard.
That night, Gino passed away.

After 8 yrs.
She got married. She had one s0n and she followed his name next to gin0's.


Jun 13, 2012

Quotes and Philosophy



‘’in dream, you can do whatever you want to do. You can fly if you wish to. You can be a hero if you want. Everything is positive, everything is probably controllable, no pain, free from sufferings; away from harsh things and occurrences; a perfect place for all of us. That’s why we call dream as a dream, opposite from reality which is imperfect.’’

‘’opportunity is like a door. It’s not always open, sometimes you have to knock for it to open.’’

‘’opportunity is like a falling star, it’s very seldom to show up and hard to catch.’’

‘’….imagine that life is fair. What a big mess, isn’t it? Therefore, life should always unfair though it’s hard.’’

‘’it’s better to be deficient in words than to be deficient in action coz words without action is like a tree without fruit.’’

‘’right is not always right. Sometimes, it seems like wrong’’

‘’the less years, the less mistakes, but the more years the more chances to make up those mistakes.’’

‘’people are not bad, only their deeds are bad.’’

‘’we are perfect, but as we grow old, we’re not already.’’

‘’mind is faster than mouth.’’

‘’knowledge is just a fruit of curiosity.’’

‘’even you are surrounded by criminals, and drug addicts you won’t become like them if you are really a good person.’’

‘’education is not the only way going to bright future, talent as well but in this way, you’re taking risk. But if you want assurance, then education is perfect.’’

‘’the more we learn about worldly things, the more we get far from God.’’

‘’if you’re facing problems, then be glad because it proves that God really loves you.’’

‘’sacrifice is the best expression of love.’’

‘’if you are on top, then don’t look at them (who are on the ground) directly down, just use a mirror and rise it up then look at them from it.’’
‘’mentally challenged people are the luckiest people on this earth when it comes to salvation.’’

‘’it’s not bad to compare yourself to others for you to know what is best in you that can’t find to them’’

‘’failure in life is not often sorrowful, some opportunities it is funny.’’

‘’death for those rejecting it is like a sudden travel, they are not always ready for it.’’

‘’life is like a present, you don’t know what’s in it.’’

‘’in every negative, there’s a positive.’’

‘’keep away from the person who speak fluently but has a sword on his tongue.’’

‘’How do you know what is impossible if you are not a risk taker.’’

‘’you can make up the yesterday by not doing it again today.’’

‘’it’s better to talk with mentally challenged who’s true on his words even you have no any idea what he’s talking about sometimes than to talk with normal person that is most of his words are lies and you can absolutely catch up what he’s talking about but it hurts you.’’

‘’if you have crush, you can jealous, you can cry, and you can hurt but you can’t utter out it to him/her.’’

‘’it’s better to fail than never.’’

‘’each of us has individual star, all you have to do is to make it shine in your own way.’’

‘’love and like are different, like is has a reason while love has not.’’

‘’if you are genius, then I’d like to say condolence for having a very hard challenge.’’

‘’over doesn’t mean it’s the end, but there’s God over you.’’

‘’see how playful life is, if how we want the thing, the more it’s hard to get.’’

‘’we have no choice when it comes to problem but to face it.’’

‘’miserable life is like an unfixed things; it will never be in order again if you don’t fix it by yourself unless someone or some people will fix it for you but not the same way before it looked like.’’

‘’you can’t change yourself through plastic surgery, changing your attitudes, life style, beliefs, and etc because at the end, you are still remain as you.’’

‘’in teaching, what matters most is how you teach and not how many knowledge you can impart.’’

‘’truth is usually painful.’’

‘’…’s not what is in diploma but it’s in how you get it.’’

‘’philosophy is the way going to the deepest reality of life.’’

‘’try this: stand up for 3 hours. Don’t dare to sit down until the time will end. How was it? It’s tiring, isn’t it? Then why are you doing this? Probably you don’t know. It’s just parallel to human’s life; we do stupid and aimless things. It’s definitely tiring simply because we don’t know what these things are for. Try to do things with aim; you can’t feel the presence of tiredness because you know what’s waiting ahead and because it’s worth it.’’

‘’we can’t survive without food, water, house, and clothes, thus, we can’t survive without God.’’

‘’ advices sometimes can make the situation worse.’’

‘’life has full of secrets.’’

‘’brain is the father, heart is the mother, and the rest are the children. Once the father damage, the mother can’t work the same way and the rest are nothing already.’’

‘’if you feel everything is getting worse, just think you’re not you.’’

‘’in order your dreams to be come true, you have to wake up and work for it.’’

‘’dreaming without working is nothing.’’

‘’if you’re suffering in life, just think there are other people out there who suffered more than you.’’

‘’life is not about who are on the top only but who are on the top but still on the ground.’’

‘’bring back your memory to your science class. If darkness does not existed because it just the absence of light, then if your science teacher ask you why you failed in examination, answer her, ’simply because I did not pass it and there’s nothing I should worry about ma’am because it’s not existed.’’

‘’there are no ugly people but there are ugly in people.’’

‘’there are some things that you have to do by your own but there are some things as well that you can’t do by your own.’’

‘’money is like ‘0123456789’ and then ‘9876543210’’

Jun 4, 2012



May 16, 2012

''......LOVE EMAN''

‘’…….Love Eman’’


‘’sometimes, we feel like we’re alone and hated by the people around you. And unexpectedly, there’s someone who will fulfill the love that you’re looking for and will accompany you when the times you need a company … he’s just around, you don’t have to look for him, just know him………..and this time, I found him. The man I love and the ONE who loves me truly....’’

             Hi, I’m Shane. But people used to call me Sunburn because I looked like burned by the sun. I’m 15 years old, and a second year student. I’m a black-skinned girl, had an average nose and ugly lips. What made me uglier was my dead hair. I’m the ugliest girl in our school and it was proven when my classmates forced me to join in an ‘’Ugly Duckly Princess’’ contest during our 43rd foundation day, and I won. It’s my most embarrassing moment. And I promised to myself that it would be my first and last time to join in that kind of contest. When I got home that day, I cried so much. Life was really unfair, people were unfair, and God was unfair. I’m just alone. What I had done for me to suffer like this. It’s not my choice to be like this. Why people did not understand it? They were all the same.

           After that day, I hesitated to go to school because surely, I’ll drown by bullies. But I still chose to go. When I got inside the gate, my instinct was right, I was met by irritating shouts laughs, and bullies. I down my head and I walked faster to get away urgently from them, I wept, till I accidentally touched on something or someone. I slowly up my head to someone I’ve touched with. I was palpitated because maybe he’s one of them and he’ll grab me back. I closed my eyes till I heard him saying, ‘’Are you ok?’’ I opened my eyes and I saw a very cute and handsome guy standing and holding my face. What the hell! He’s such a cute guy. He’s the cutest guy I’ve ever seen. It took seconds before I got away my eyes from his. I saw the sincerity on his handsome eyes. All of a sudden, he left me for a while and he approached the people at the back, ‘’what’s the matter of you guys? Can you stop and get away from her? Are you happy seeing someone hurting? What if you are in her place, what would you feel? You’re hurting her. Stop acting like kids guys, you are in high school already, so please be a man and a woman, be responsible already’’. It really shocked me. I did not know what to say. I’m speechless of what I’d heard. Urgently, the people walked away. He approached me back and asked me once again if I’m ok. I just nodded. He remained standing in front of me and said, ‘’don’t let them to treat you like that. You should fight sometimes. There’s nothing wrong if you’ll defend yourself’’, then he walked away. There’s a little pain on his voice, I noticed. I’m still standing on the same place as he walked away, I couldn’t believe about what happened, about what he said. That night, I couldn’t able to sleep because I’m thinking about him. He’s so cute really. He’s cuter than any actors I’ve known around the world. I was dismayed because I did not know his name. I forgot about the bad things happened that day because of him. It’s the first time that there’s someone who tried to defend me, not ever. But I was confused because it just now I saw him in school. Maybe he’s a transferee.

       I intentionally to go early in school the next day, hoping that I’ll see him again, to say thank you. I looked around. He’s not there. I thought maybe it just happened that he’s there that time and he’s just a visitor. Visitor? Wearing our school uniform? Crazy thought. I failed in looking for him when the bell rang. After the class, I tried to find him again. Fortunately, I found him in the gym, playing tennis, my favorite sport. I tried to approach him when the game was up when several girls approached him. I felt sad. Thus, I preferred to go back. But I admit, there’s a good feelings I felt when I saw him again though he did not notice me. I giggled.

        It was Monday morning when I’m having my snacks in the canteen. I’m thinking about my weekend when I saw him approaching towards me. I slightly down my head in order for him not to notice me immediately. I giggled but I stopped when he completely got inside. He slightly moved his head towards me, and he smiled at me. I couldn’t help myself to giggle. I watched him. He bought burger but he removed the ham and gave it back to the storekeeper and he just put catsup and soy sauce on it. I laughed quietly. He’s little weird I thought. I’m wondering if how it taste like and what else he usually bought. A soft drink in cellophane without straw? A melted ice cream? A soup without spoon? Or uncooked meat? But he’s not crazy to look at. Someday, I’ll find it out.

        Friday afternoon. We’re having a class work. I was assigned to clean the whole principal’s office alone. It was so wide inside and it’s impossible for me to finish it immediately, thus, after 1 hour I went to the canteen to take some rest. I was so disappointed of what they’ve assigned to me. It’s unfair. As I entered inside the canteen, I’m nearly to back out when I saw a familiar image inside; he’s having a snack, the same snack I saw he bought before. When he saw me, he said, ‘’Hi’’, and I said ‘’hi’’ as well. Nervous came suddenly when I noticed there’s no one inside except us. How come? Maybe it’s what we call DESTINY. I bitted my lower lip due to nervous. I couldn’t hide my nervous. I worried maybe he’ll notice it. I have to overcome it right away. But it’s too late when he asked me, ‘’is there a problem?’’, sincerity was still there. ‘’ah-ahm, problem?  None, I’m just tired.’’ It’s not easy for me to answer. ‘’tired from what?’’, he asked me again, but before I answered, he answered it for me, ‘’ahhh, from class work, am I right?’’ I just nodded. I preferred not to say so long maybe I’ll utter something embarrass. We’re quite for 5 minutes I think. In order to overcome my nervous, I bought three burgers and I ate it so fast. That’s what I usually do when I’m in nervous. Till there’s something stocked-up in my esophagus. I can’t breathe! I need water! But I realized I forgot to buy water and there’s no one I can ask a help, except him. God help me!! I thought I had to set aside for a while my embarrassment or else I’ll die! Thus, I picked up my shoes and I threw it to him so hard! I didn’t know what happened next, but I heard a loud ‘’OUCH!!!’’. When my consciousness was back, I saw him already at my side, putting some ice on his face, pain was there. I hurt him! What the heck I’ve done! I’m a kind of fool! I hesitated to open my eyes. I wished I’ll collapse again because I felt so embarrassed. I don’t want to get up.  I remembered the first time I met him. I put him in risk that time, guys may hurt him. And now, I put him in risk once more. And it more worst than before because I truly hurt him at this time. I had no choice but to face him. I slowly opened my eyes, pretending that it just now I got my conscious back. I did not straightly put my eyes to him. ‘’you’re awake’’, he smiled but there’s little concern on his face. ‘’Yeah….ouch ….what happened?’’, I’m really pretending. I was palpitated so much maybe he’ll catch me that I’m just acting. ‘’You collapsed, remember?’’ he answered. ‘’Ahh, I remembered….ah-ahm, wait, what happened to your face?’’ I asked him like an innocent. ‘’Ah, your shoes flew itself towards my face, but it’s ok now don’t worry’’, I know he’s lying; it’s not ok yet because of the violet mark left on his face. But I liked his answer, funny. I really felt so embarrassed. But I’m wondering how he removed the piece of burger from my esophagus. Maybe he used a stick and he pushed down the piece by it, or maybe he used a vacuum to remove it.  But it didn’t matter how or what he used, the important was he saved me. ‘’Mr’’, I called him. ‘’Eman’’, he corrected. He gave his name at last. Wew! ‘’Ahm Eman, sorry, I didn’t meant to hurt you……and thank you for saving me from death,…… and the day that I first met you…thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Ahhhhh, ahm….tell me what can I do to pay back your goodness, tell me anything, promise I’ll do whatever you want me to do’’, seemed like I’m begging to him but it’s better already than I’ll do nothing. But he answered immediately, ‘’no, it’s ok…don’t mind it, just forget about it……so….I’ll go ahead? Bye, take care.’’ Then he walked away. My nervous was gone when he uttered those words. That day, I forgot the work that I’d left in the principal’s office. I didn’t care if they’ll punish me. I used to it.

              It was weekend. We went to the mall with my younger brother to buy some things needed in our kitchen. You couldn’t say he’s the younger one because he’s so mature to look at than me. As an addict of time zone, my brother forced me to allow him to play. Thus, as a good and loving sister, I allowed him. For me not to get bore, I went to the stuff toys section because actually I really like stuff toys and I had a collection of it. I want to see if they had a sale. I’m choosing when suddenly I saw a familiar face, its Eman! But I thought he did not see me. He’s busy paying his bills at the counter. Thus, I immediately left there, and I went back to my brother and grabbed him away without words. Honestly, I’m not yet recovered from what happened. I didn’t want to face him temporarily. I had to get away from him as long as I can.

            Monday morning. After the flag ceremony, I went to CR. From outside, I heard some guys laughing moderately. I palpitated. I know what would be next, and I was right. They locked the door, and it’s impossible for you to open it coz I heard a noise from chain. They used a chain to lock me from outside. They assured that I couldn’t get out really. How stupid they were! I was so worried because all the students were in their respective class rooms already, no one could help me. I hit so hard the door and shouted for a help. But I thought no one can hear me. Thus, all I did was to cry. ‘’what the hell was the problem of you! Open it!! Open it!! Please! What I’ve done to do it to me??’’, I cried so hard. I felt pity to myself. Till I heard someone, losing the chain outside then he shouted, ‘’Shane! Shane! Are you ok there?’’, it was Eman! ‘’Eman?? Please help me! I’m afraid, take me out of here! Please!’’, I shouted back, till he completely loosed the chain. When I got out I hugged him so tight and he hugged me back. But I realized it was wrong, and I felt embarrassed. But I admitted, there’s something nice in my heart that I felt. In spite of what happened I’m still happy because he hugged me and I hugged him. Like a fairy tale, he’s my prince and I’m his princess, an ugly duckly princess, and he saved me from the monster who wanted to eat me. I imagined what if one day, he’ll admit that he likes me?  And I’ll admit to him that I like him too? I nearly to die with that crazy thought.

             It was Saturday morning. We were in school to prepare the stage for Valentine’s Day on Monday. They decorated the stage. They just assigned me to sweep the whole back stage. It was so dirty. What’s my right to complaint, thus, I just did. The rooms were seemed like storage of dust, I’m allergic on it but I had to clean it all. I thought, I was born this way, I was born to be their toy and servant, but there’s nothing I can do about it. I was so tired when I finished. I got out but I’m just alone already, they’re all gone. I sat beside the stairs to rest. I lay my head on the wall when I smelled something. It seemed like paint. All of a sudden, 1 gallon of paint rushing towards my head, then I heard some laughs. I did not move immediately. I know already who were the responsible of it. I just cried then ran away. I did not know where I should go. I stopped under the big tree. I need someone to talk with. Suddenly, I heard a voice calling my name; it was Eman, the one who understand me. ‘’What happened?’’, he asked me with concern. I did not answer because I was ashamed. He looked at me head to foot and he sat beside me and he said then, ‘’I know already what happened; those guys did it to you. You know Shane, you are the one who made it to yourself’’, I was confused and little bit angry of what he said. ‘’I mentioned it to you before already, the day you first met me that you have to defend yourself sometimes, there’s nothing bad about it as long as you’re not the one who started the quarrel. You have a right to defend yourself. All of us have. I’m not saying you have to hit them, throw them with your shoes, and with anything you can see around you, I’m just saying that fight them through words, a good words. You don’t have to hit the person to make him realize that you’re offended already, and you are hurting already. Words are powerful than actions. It can make the person change, and the world change. Just let them know. People are blind sometimes, or just pretending as one, in order for them to see, you have to get what make them blind.’’ He added.  After he said it, I realized that he was right. How the people know their mistakes if u don’t let them know. ‘’….and you know what make you cry again and again?  It was the pain that you kept inside for a long time. Just let it out. Let it out to the things which were the source of that pain. You can’t able to get over from that pain even you’ll cry a thousand times if you will not let them know. And don’t forget to call him, our father above for his guidance because he’s the only one who knows the way if how you will do it right Shane.’’ I was really amazed of what he said. I didn’t know what should I feel, should I get angry to him because he didn’t know how it felt like and how impossible to do it or be thankful to him because he’s concerned instead? I looked at him, he smiled. What a handsome smile! But I was confused if how he found me here, thus, I asked him, ‘’by the way, how did you find me here?’’, ‘’ I’m just around when I saw you crying thus I approached you’’, he answered without hesitation, and then he smiled again. ‘’ahh, ok. But I saw you one day in the mall, are you alone that time?’’, I asked him once again. ‘’yes, I am. I don’t need a company if I want to go out.’’ He answered. ‘’ahh, but why are you there? I noticed you did not buy something because you held nothing when I saw you at the counter’’ I asked him again. ‘’I was there because you were there’’, he smiled then. I couldn’t believe of what I’ve heard. He’s there coz I’m there? So, he’s following me that time? Oh God! I was so flattered. But after a moment, he said he had to go.

          That night, I’m thinking about what he said. ‘’I’M THERE COZ YOU WERE THERE’’. I thought, was that the indication that he likes me? I giggled with that thought.

          Monday, and I went early in school because we have to prepare ourselves for the event. As I entered in our gym, a guy approached me and he gave me a card and a little box as a gift. I read the card and I was so glad because it was an appreciation card and I nearly to cry. I want to hug them all. I was so flattered. I thought they were all the same, but I’ve mistaken. It’s my first time to receive a gift. When I opened the box, Eman suddenly approached me and hugged me and a laud ‘’BOOM!’’ from the box was ragging around. I was so afraid, I nearly to collapse but thank God I did not. Thanks to Eman, he saved me once again from menace. I cried so hard. They’ve put a little firework inside the box. They planned it just for me. All of them laughed so laud. When I’m about to back out, I remembered the words that Eman shared to me. I looked at him and he nodded. I thought it’s the time to fight them. God help me. ‘’It’s too much already! What’s the problem of you?! Why you’re doing this to me?? I never hurt you even once! Why? Do you think it’s my choice to be like this, huh? Every time you’re doing a crazy stuff to me, I feel like I’m the unluckiest person has ever lived. I’m not a toy that you can play anytime you want! I’m a human like you, have a heart and can be hurt as well! I accepted the truth already that no one wants to be my friend because I’m ugly, because I’m fool, stupid, and whatever names you want to call me! but treating me like this, I can’t. You know, I realized that I’m not the fool and stupid one here, but you! Coz you did not think if you’re hurting someone, you didn’t mind if that person was already offended! You should be thankful coz you’re not in my place, coz if you were me, I don’t know if you can stay longer with the people who were looking just on outside appearance of the person! You should be thankful because sometimes, I’m wishing to be like you! But I know it will never happen. I did not ask anything from you, but just one thing, and it was respect that you didn’t give at all! You are all selfish!’’, I ran away after I uttered out those words. I left Eman there. They were all quite when I left them. I’m hoping that they will realize their mistakes. I hope so.

       I cried so hard not because of what happened but because I realized how unlucky I’ am. I’m really alone. Self pity captured my whole being. That’s life, really unfair. I don’t understand why God allowed me to suffer like this, if why he gave me this kind of gesture. During my thinking, Eman approached me, and he smiled at me seemed like nothing had happened. He asked me, ‘’so how was it? How’s your feeling right now?’’, I looked at him for a while and I remembered the accident happened, ‘’are you hurt? Sorry, it’s my fault. It’s the 3rd times that you saved me. I don’t know already how to pay back your goodness. Sorry really’’, I apologized. ‘’no, I’m ok it just nothing. It’s my duty. I’m just concerned about you and I’m not asking anything in return. I did it because I love you Shane’’, he answered. What??? Am I right of what heard? He loves me? Wow! I didn’t know what to say. I got red and mixed emotions I’ve felt. It takes a minute before I got back my voice. ‘’What?? You love me?’’, I asked him. ‘’yes, I love you Shane ever since yet, I know you already the time that you don’t know me yet, I’m just around waiting for you’’, he answered me without hesitation. I became speechless for a while. I can’t believe that it was happening. ‘’but, I love you too Eman, I fell in love with you urgently when I first saw you. That night, I can’t sleep because I’m thinking about you. But why I’m the one you loved? I’m ugly and fool girl. Why?’’, I asked him confusedly. He just smile and said, ‘’I’m not looking for a nice face, I’m looking for a nice heart, like you.’’ I almost to cry because I thought no one will appreciate me. Thus, I hugged him so tight and he hugged me back.

     The next day, I was so happy when I got inside the gate of our school because I’m excited already to meet him again. I noticed since I entered, no one tried to fool me again. It was so unusual, till some couple of guys and some girls approached me, I tried to ran away because maybe they will fool me again when one of them called me in a nice way and said, ‘’Shane, wait! We’re here because we want to say sorry, we’re sincere, no kidding. Sorry for the bad things we’ve done to you. I hope you will forgive us. We’ve done wrong to you. And we want to make up those mistakes. Can you come with us for a while?’’, before I answered, they grabbed me going to our school gym. As I entered inside, a big banner that saying ‘’SHANE, SORRY. WE LOVE YOU!’’ welcomed me, and I was speechless. I did not notice the tears fell down my face. It was a dream? I’m waiting for a long time for this to happen, that they will learn to love and respect me. All of these were happened because of Eman, my boyfriend. Thus, I immediately looked for him. I went to the place where we met yesterday but he’s not there. I went as well to the place where he shared his thoughts to me, but I failed he’s not there as well. I wandered around hoping that I’ll see him, but unfortunately I failed. I was so dismayed. Thus, I went to the guard house to ask the guard if he saw Eman, ‘’Eman? Who’s that? I don’t know him, and as far as I know, there’s no Eman enrolled here, that’s what I know’’. He said. ‘’what? He’s my boy friend. He’s a student here and I’m sure of that’’ I defended. ‘’ok ok, just go to registrar office and ask them about your boyfriend huh?’’. Every time I met someone I asked them if they’ve seen Eman but their answer were all the same, ‘’I DON’T KNOW HIM’’ I doubted, thus I went to registrar office if he really enrolled here, maybe he’s just an outsider and try to fool some students here and I’m the first victim. ‘’Eman what?’’, registrar asked me. ‘’ahm maam, sorry I don’t know his family name’’ I answered. ‘’ok’’ she said. After she hit some keys on the keyboard, ‘’Sorry but there’s no Eman had registered here’’ she said. I froze for a while. It can’t be that he’s an outsider coz no one can easily get inside the campus coz it was so close and you have to pass by in the guard house before you enter.

      I was so confused how come that he’s not a student in our school coz he’s wearing a school uniform as well. There’s a lil pain in my heart. He fooled me.

      It was our p.e day. I went to my locker to get my p.e uniform when I saw a folded paper inside, and I thought it was a letter. I know it was for me so I unfolded it. I was so shocked of what I found out, the letter was from Eman and it was written like this:

Dear Shane,
                   I’m so happy because you are happy. I was so glad seeing you crying due to happiness. It’s what I want for you even before. All I wanted for you is just happiness. It’s my pleasure to save you 3 times from danger and I’ll never get tired saving you for a million times. I didn’t use a stick or vacuum to get back your breath when you threw your shoes to me, I gave my own breath just to keep you alive. And I want you to know the day when you saw me at the counter, I’m there because there’s someone wants to steal the money from the counter and I guarded it. I’m there as well because I’m guarding you both with your brother. And the opportunities that you’ve seen me, I’m there because I’m guarding you as well. In the canteen, I bought a weird burger, it just because I want you to smile even once, even that simple way.  I’ve never hurt when I covered you up from the firework in the box, much better if I’m the one who’ll hurt than you, I’ll never allow it, just simply because I love you so much Shane. Don’t ever think that you are alone because I’m here, I’ll never leave you. And you will never be alone again because your brothers and sisters were already awake and not already blind because you picked up the thing that makes them blind and I’m so proud of you because of that. Don’t be sad if I’m gone because honestly, I’m just there beside you, I’m much closer than your own heart, watching you and guarding you. If you’ll feel love, that’s me. I really enjoyed the days that we’re together. Just be good always Shane and someday, we will be together. I’m waiting.

